Win A Skein of SpaceCadet Yarn!

I am so excited about the InterStellar Yarn Alliance, the SpaceCadet’s new yarn club which opened for subscriptions on Monday, that I can’t wait for the fun to start!  The first parcels will go out in April, but I really want to do something to kick it off right now…

So I’m going to give away a free skein of lovely SpaceCadet Creations yarn to one  of you this week, and all you have to do to enter is talk about the Yarn Alliance in a post on Ravelry!  It can be anywhere on Ravelry except the SpaceCadet Creations and Interstellar Yarn Alliance groups. Once you’ve done that, leave a comment here with your Ravelry name, and you are entered to win a free skein of SpaceCadet yarn!

yarn, sock yarn, knitting, crochet, hand-dyed, hand dyed, handdyed

Shop Update (clockwise from top left: Celeste yarn in Carnival, Estelle yarn in Tree Snake, Estelle yarn in Sunshine, and Celeste Yarn in First Love


And if you’ve like to earn a second entry after that, just retweet a link to the Yarn Alliance webpage or link to this blog post in a post on Ravelry (and please be sure to mention your Twitter name here if it’s different from your Raverly name).

The giveaway opens now, and closes at the end of Thursday, so you have to be quick!  I’ll announce the winner here on Friday.

yarn, sock yarn, knitting, crochet, hand-dyed, handdyed, hand-dyed, hand painted

Shop Update (clockwise from top left): Celeste yarn in Forgiven, Estelle yarn in Evening Fog, Celeste yarn in Spice Trade, Celsete yarn in Spare Change


Which means that by the end of the week, one of you will be the owner of a new skein of SpaceCadet yarn.  Because you need more yarn in your stash, don’t you?  Don’t you?!?

Of course you do!

spinning, fiber, fibre, merino, alpaca, hand-dyed, handdyed, hand dyed, hand painted

Shop Update (clockwise from top left): Alpaca & Merino fiber in Translucence, Alpaca & Merino fiber in SuperNova, BFL fiber in HandJive, Alpaca & Merino fiber in Beguile

The details (they’re not difficult, I promise!): Contest closes on March 17 2011 at 11.59pm EDT and all entries must be made before the close. All entrants will be verified and must complete the mandatory entry (that is, mentioning the SpaceCadet’s InterStellar Yarn Alliance in a post on Ravelry) before completing the ‘extra’ entry (tweeting a link to the Yarn Alliance). Completion of entries must be mentioned in a comment on this blog post to qualify, and comments must include the commenter’s Ravelry or Twitter name (as applicable). Invalid entries will be disqualified. Winner will be announced on this blog and must respond within 72 hours or we reserve the right to choose another winner. SpaceCadet Creations reserves the right to substitute prizes. Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash.  See, that wasn’t too bad, was it?

43 responses to “Win A Skein of SpaceCadet Yarn!

  1. I am Dvorag on Ravelry. I have also tweeted about this. On Twitter I am @teachdig

    Love the pretty yarn 🙂

  2. I posted about it in the RemRants group – I’m sadiekate on Rav. I’ve always wanted to try your beautiful yarns, and now you’ve added fiber,too. Pretty pretty pretty!!!

  3. I posted on Ravelry under my ravelry name of dendiane

  4. Posted!! I am pickledpurls on Ravelry.
    And… putting my pennies together to join the club!

    By the way – thanks for the contest.

  5. I posted to the KnitGirllls Forum. I’m Phoenixfire on Ravelry. I’ll be back to buy some fiber!

  6. Sheepshape Spinning has posted about Space Camp in the “Etsy Shops” Ravelry group! And I’m so glad to see fiber has returned to your shop!

  7. I love the yarn colors. Would love to win. My ravelry name is knityid.

  8. That yarn is so tempting. I am “BearyAnn” on Ravelry and have started a forum topic ( ) .
    On Twitter I am “KnitnBibleStudy” and have retweeted there as well.

  9. Retweeted and riding on BearyAnn’s coat-tails on the Yarns forum on Rav. Same username in both places … but you know that already 😛

  10. I posted on Ravelry in From Robin’s Nest group.
    My rav name is FQFanatic

  11. Done! 🙂
    Ravelry and Twitter names are the same . . . “pinterbaby”

  12. I’m MaryjoO on Ravelry & maryjoord on Twitter … posted on both!

  13. Posted on Ravelry! Username WhimsicalRain

  14. I responded to pinterbaby’s yarn post in the Yarn Forum on Ravelry. My Ravelry name is jarmuz.

    Thanks for the chance to win! And thanks for the Yarn Alliance! I am looking forward to April! : )

  15. Not a Twitter person. I just hang out at Ravelry. I was hoping a poster think of how to explain wanting to join your Camp to her husband. I am trying so hard to resist. But I love your colors. I had to link back to here just in case anyone was missing them. They should be seen.

  16. I’m Mairwen on Ravelry, and I mentioned joining Space Camp in the 221b (Sherlock Holmes) group. I can’t wait!

  17. Barbara Stoner

    Posted on Ravelry, username bgstoner. I wish I could do the Space Camp 😦

  18. What gorgeous colors! My fingers are itching to touch, as well! I’ve mentioned you on Ravelry in the Who Knits group. Also retweeted your link–my twitname is molleo1.

    Thanks for offering to share the loveliness!

  19. Ravelry and Twitter names are THummer.
    Your work is lovely (and I love the names). Best wishes for continued success!

  20. Dragonmommie retweeted and posted on ravelry. These yarns are beautiful and I just couldn’t resist…. Name is the same on twitter and the rav.

  21. retweeted as montym00 on Twitter! I am montymoo on Rav. Love your stuff!

  22. ravelry name is robkat317…your yarn club sounds pretty awesome!!

  23. I left a message on the Yarn Hoars group on Rav. My name there is irunnaked as well:)

  24. I (chari) started a topic about space camp on Ravelry. Now I need to learn how to retweet.

  25. Well, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I (oldchari on twitter and chari on Ravelry) have now not only advertised for you on Ravelry, but also on twitter. Did you forget Facebook? Oh, ok. Why not?

  26. Posted on Ravelry as thistlecreek.

  27. I’m craftycarole on both ravelry and twitter. My post is in thrifty knitters on ravelry and I retweeted your tweet….

  28. Twizzler on Ravelry


    The InterStellar Yarn Alliance sounds like a blast!

  29. Hi, and thanks for the contest! The yarns look gorgeous. Lovely colorways. I’m stitchcat on Ravelry, and posted on the Thrifty Knitters forum.

  30. I posted in the Yarn Forum on Ravelry. Seemed appropriate!
    My Rav name is Goodstuff.

  31. #2… And I also tweeted. My Twitter name is brendacastiel.

  32. Hi!!! Nice yarn!! I`d really like to win!!!

    I left a new topic in the group: 2 much yarn on Ravelry. My name there is hildemor.
    I also left a message on twitter as HildeSays

  33. Chileblanco on ravelry too. 🙂

  34. I really like the carnival colorway by SpacecadetCreates. She has a lot of other great looking colorways. Now, I am off to check it out… Just checked some of them out. I would love to try out the yarn in person. Thanks for the opportunity to win a skein.
    Raveler- love2read

  35. I linked to you on Ravelry’s Under the Spell of an Orange Cat Group. I am Han*knit

  36. I posted about your gorgeous yarns on Ravelry under “marybouw” in the Thrifty Knitters group. So nice of you to give away a free skein – hope I win it.

  37. I am curious about the yarn club. I would love to join however, I am confused. It says that members get a parcel every month, however, then it gives the months of shipments as every other month. which is correct?

    • Hi,
      Sorry that was confusing and thanks for giving me the chance to clarify — the parcels are every other month. I’ve just checked through all the information that I’ve put out on the web (website, blog post, Rav group) and they all say every other month, but if you know of a place where I’ve made a typo about that, please do let me know so I can fix it. I really appreciate your bringing it to my attention!
      Thanks again,

  38. I love the name of your yarn and your club! I was once upon a time a Space Camper! My Ravelry name is FlyPrinces!

  39. I never win anything, but if you don’t try you won’t! same username on rav. site

  40. Do we have a winner yet?

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