Get Ready to Spin your Wheels…

Because the Tour de Fleece is nearly upon us!  For spinners, it’s one of the biggest events of the year — a chance to really challenge ourselves and encourage each other.  Oh, and watch a bit of cycling as well.  In honour of the Tour de Fleece, I’ve spent this week dyeing fiber.

If  you don’t know anything about the Tour, don’t worry — Monday’s post will explain all and give some links to help you get started.  In the meantime, what sort of spinning would be a challenge for you?  To spin more? Or to spin finer?  Maybe to try a new fiber, or a new technique?  And please cast your eyes over this week’s fiber porn, all going in the shop today and over the weekend…

Bombyx Silk in Freshly Cut Grass

Tussah Silk

Merino combed top in Garden In Spring

BFL combed top in Garden In Spring

Tussah Silk in Freshly Cut Grass

Bombyx Silk in Pond

BFL combed top in Underfoot

Merino combed top in Freshly Cut Grass

3 responses to “Get Ready to Spin your Wheels…

  1. Thank goodness I don’t spin or I’d be broke with a capital B! Beautiful, beautiful stuff.

  2. Gosh – those colors are incredible! ‘Love them!

  3. This green colour; Fresly cut grass is something of the most beautiful color I have ever seen…

    Really amazing…

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